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Know Things About Heat Treatment Furnace
Source: | Author:Zoe | Published time: 2023-02-27 | 695 Views | Share:

Heat treatment covers various controlled processes utilized to change a material’s physical and chemical properties. Heat treatment furnaces are used to accomplish these cycles, which include outrageous warming or cooling to accomplish their ideal response. This blog entry will frame a portion of the heat treatment processes that can be accomplished with heat treatment furnaces.

The working principle of a vacuum furnace of heat treatment is to shape a low-pressure climate with basically no air through vacuum extraction, and afterward use water to bubble at low strain (lower than barometrical strain) to create steam, and result in heat through steam buildup and heat exchange.

Heat Treatment Types and Process


Annealing is the most common way of heating up and keeping material at a particular temperature and cooling it at a reasonable rate. The fundamental utilization of this cycle is to mellow a material for further developed machinability, cold working, or to improve electrical or mechanical properties.

Heat treatment furnaces performing toughening will utilize different, most excellent temperatures and cooling rates depending upon the application and the expected response.

While tempering is utilized to eliminate or diminish the inward burdens of material, the cycle is called pressure easing. This is typically accomplished by heating a cloth beneath the lower primary temperature, followed by uniform cooling.


Heat treatment furnaces that perform extinguish excellent materials at a quick rate to deliver the ideal outcomes. This cycle will frequently have a more complex metal in ferrous compounds and a milder metal in non-ferrous composites.

Extinguishing is utilized with materials that require high protection from disfigurement and consumption, for example, cutting edges and capacity tanks.


Tempering is an interaction that is many times utilized after a material has been extinguished. An intensity therapy furnace treating a material would assist with diminishing the fragility and eliminate any burdens brought about by extinguishing.

In this cycle, the steel is warmed to a particular temperature and afterward cooled. If the material is heated to 300 – 750oC, troostite is shaped, a gentler yet more complex design. A sorbate design is framed if the material is warmed to a temperature of 750 – 1290oF, which is more vulnerable than troostite yet more bendable.

Selective Heat Treating

This interaction is where a heat treatment furnace changes the properties of just a piece of material. It very well may be utilized to deliver further developed strength, wear obstruction, or effect opposition where it is expected in specific material segments.

The cycle can be accomplished by treating various regions at various temperatures, warming quickly in a restricted area, and afterward extinguishing and thermochemical dispersion. Case solidifying, enlistment solidifying, and fire solidifying are specific intensity treating.

Heat Treatment Furnace From Thermcraft

Thermcraft has a range of heat treatment furnaces that play out the cycles referenced above and numerous others. Look over our standard range of furnaces; on the other hand, assuming something more unambiguous is required; we can manufacture custom furnaces.

Heat Treatment Furnace with Horizontal Transfer

The Alu-SAT 1000 heat treatment furnace is the range of horizontal transfer furnaces for arrangement treatment and extinguishing light composites. These are the most flexible and the most monetarily proper for small and medium-sized loads.

By joining two developments (one level for exit from the furnace and one vertical for extinguishing), horizontal heat treatment furnaces can give short exchange seasons of just 7 seconds.

A few forms are accessible:

Furnace alone, manual, without extinguishing tank for arrangement treatment of delicate compound parts with little aspects or a profile requiring hand extinguishing.

Furnace with extinguishing tank and a motorized framework directing the heap out of the heater and into the tank by manual activity

Completely mechanized heater dealing with the arrangement treatment, the exchange time, the extinguishing, and the expulsion of the parts from the shower.

Contingent upon your necessity, we can offer you control arrangements going from a basic control framework to finish guiding the executives of your cycles.

The global climate of our modern accomplices has permitted us to completely dominate the present normalization frameworks.

General plan norms: CE, UL, AQSIQ, and so on, yet in addition, the principles are connected to explicit areas like NADCAP, AMS, BAC, and CQi9.

Warm hardware suitable for the different metallurgical conditions of aluminum combinations: T4, T5, T6, T7, and T8.

Company address:No. 1560-2 chuangxin 2nd road, songbei district, Harbin.

